Regarding the location information for the cemeteries. Some
locations are only roughly known. Some are known precisely,
but approximate locations are given due to the perceived
sensitive nature of the site.
When submitting location information for a cemetery, the
desired format in order of priority is:
1) Lat/long in any format, like DMS NAD27: i.e. 381207N0964143W
2) UTM Coordinates: 701,808E 4,230,534N
3) Township-Range location: i.e. NE1/4, NE1/4, Sec. 30, T. 21S, R. 7E
4) Physical description: i.e From Homestead, KS, go 1 miles east
and then 1 mile north; the cemetery is on the left.
The map locations provided are via websites:
These sites could go down from time-to-time, but they generally have
good on-line reliability.
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