Help Information

Enter a name in the top "Identifying Name" box and hit
the "Submit Query" button.

Select the state in the 2nd box pulldown and hit the
"Submit Query" button.

Select the county in the 3nd box pulldown.

Enter part of the cemetery name in the 4th box, or leave
it empty to list all cemetery records in the county.
Then hit the "Submit Query" button.

If you have information to contribute to the listed
cemeteries, just click the "Click Here to Contribute
Info for" . . . link. Then fill out the form that
pops up. Please leave the Subject that pops up
intact, but feel free to add to the end of it.

If you have information to contribute to a cemetery
not listed for the county, just click any of the
"Click Here to Contribute Info for" . . . links and
change the Subject that pops up to something like:
New Cemetery: Bethel Cemetery,Ellis,Oklahoma.
That is for a new Bethel Cemetery in Ellis county

The Contribute Information form that pops up has
data entry fields for:

Your Name:
Your E-Mail:
Cemetery Link:

It is not necessary to enter any E-mail or Name if
you don't want to, but we encourage you to if you
are the owner of the web page link you supply. That
way we can contact you if the link breaks.

The Cemetery Link box is for a URL link to information
about the cemetery, or cemeteries in the whole county.
A URL link looks like this:

The Subject field can also be changed, but it's best
to leave the first part intact if you are contributing
information to that particular cemetery.

The Comments field will take extended text entry, but
does have a length limit. If you have substantial
information to contribute, it's best to mail it to
Attached files can also be sent to that address.

After the form is completely filled out, click the
"Send" button to mail it.

Send any comments to