Adrenal Disease Support Group for Texas - TAG
(Last Updated 8/11/2024)

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My name is Mike Flannigan.  I run this website for the Adrenal Disease Support Group for the Houston, Texas.  
Hayward Babin and Mike Flannigan are the Houston Texas support group leaders. Right now we are one of three support groups in Texas.
We have 46 NADF members in the Houston area and another 82 spread across Texas.  Many more across the globe.

I have Addison's disease.  When people ask me what Addison's disease is, I typically tell them that it is very rare, is probably
the best auto immune disease to get (at least in my case), and that John F. Kennedy had it.  Then I go into what a good tan
it typically causes.  You can be dying and still look great   With proper treatment it is often manageable, but 100 years ago
people died from it within about 6 months.  Even today some people get serious complications that seriously affect their health.
And many (including me) experience some bone loss due to the cortisone medicine that is required.

The national organization is NADF  (National Adrenal Disease Foundation), and is based in Great Neck, New York.
NADF is primarily engaged in helping people with adrenal conditions such as:

Addison's Disease
Cushing's Syndrome & Cushing's Disease
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)

There are other adrenal diseases not listed here.

Here is another good source of information.
Search the prior questions to our Medical Director here:
Medical Director Question Search

or review the recent ones here:
NADF Website List of Q&A's

Meeting Information

Saturday, November 14, 2024
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Location:  Zoom Meeting

The Houston group meets approximately 4 times a year.  Hayward Babin and Mike Flannigan run our

Our last meeting was a good one. We had 6 people attend and we discussed:

  • Transfer of Houston group leadership

  • Individual adrenal regimens (dosing)

  • Kidney disease

  • The book "Replacement Therapies in Adrenal Insufficiency"

  • Please come join us at the next meeting if you can.

    The Houston, TX NADF support group provides general support for attendees and gives
    informative presentations.  Some of the presentations that have been given include:

    Most meetings are simply discussing attendees experiences with AI.

    The meetings are free and you don't have to have an adrenal disease to attend.  Our meetings are recently held via Zoom. Don't miss it.

    For information about attending the Zoom meeting please send an e-mail to preferably more than 3 days prior to the meeting.

    Here is a picture from our 11/2014 meeting:



    We help people with adrenal diseases in our area with any problems they may have.  We work with the main office
    in NY to send out information packages on adrenal diseases and on our organization.  If you would like an
    information package to be sent to you, contact me at the e-mail address below.  We have no finances at all at this
    point, but can sometimes raise some money if we need it.


    Here is a fun survey we did in 3/2017 in an effort to check the article below that says  there may be a higher incidence
    of Addison's in people who are born in the winter months.  We had 52 people respond to this survey:




    Here is the article:

    Seasonal Addison’s Birth Rate

    Researchers from the UK and Poland have discovered a statistical
    increase in the number of patients with autoimmune Addison’s
    disease that were born in winter months when compared to
    summer months. This suggests a season related environmental
    factor that could play a role in development of the disease, likely
    in combination with genetic factors. This research was published
    in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.
    There are many different seasonal factors to consider, such as
    weather, seasonal viral infections, and vitamin D deficiency.
    How these things might affect development of Addison’s disease
    requires further research, however.

    When it comes to autoimmune diseases, there has been noted
    association with the month-of-birth. However, most of the
    patterns in other autoimmune conditions suggest an increased
    occurrence in spring and summer months, with a decrease in
    autumn and winter months. Autoimmune Addison’s, Graves’
    disease, and Hashimoto’s disease appear to occur more often in
    people born in the colder months however; a reverse of the pattern.
    As such, while the development of autoimmune conditions
    might be affected by the seasons in which a person is born,
    different conditions likely react differently to different environmental

    For the article in the Endocrinology Advisor article this information
    was retrieved from, visit:

    NADF does not engage in the practice of medicine.  It is not a medical authority, nor does it claim to have medical
    knowledge.  In all cases, NADF recommends that you consult your own physician regarding any course of
    treatment or medication.

    Get the Summer 2008 NADF newsletter HERE.

    Central Ohio group Fall 2007 newsletter
    Central Ohio group Winter 2008 newsletter
    Central Ohio group Spring 2008 newsletter
    Central Ohio group Fall 2008 newsletter
    Central Ohio group Summer 2009 newsletter

    Here are some maps showing the 200 Addisonians we know of in the state of TX.
    Click on the map after it opens and it may improve the resolution.

    All of Texas           Houston Area

    Dallas                    San Antonio

    Austin                    West Texas


    Relevant Links


    NADF Website Search

    Medical Director Question Search

    Pituitary Network Association

    Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

    APS (Autoimmune Polyendocrine Syndrome)

    New United Leukodystrophy Foundation website

    National Library of Medicine

    Primary Contact:

    Mike Flannigan

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