Mapping, GIS, Garmin GPS III, etc.

GNIS Features to Google Earth Maps

This is a new program I wrote that creates county-wide
Google Earth Maps in the USA for features listed in
the GNIS database (cemeteries, churches, schools, etc)

Get the data here:
GNIS Data to Google Earth Maps

This was completed and posted on 1/1/2016.


QGIS is a free program that is very powerful.  I am interested in helping people
who want to learn about this program.  I'm no expert, but I can get you started.
This can even be done remotely, so just get with me if you have time to spend
on this.

I am looking to trade topographic maps - preferably electronic DRG's.  I'm primarily
interested in obtaining 15 minute DRG's.
I have an extensive collection that includes most of the US.  For a listing of what
I have, see:
Topographic Maps owned by MF

Benchmark information/locations.

Topographic Map Indexes

Shapefiles for topographic map indexes in the USA and Canada can be found here:
Topographic Map Indexes

Geologic and Structural Features in the USA

If you can't locate a geologic or structural feature in the USA, and you need help,
contact me and I might be able to help you out.


I have an extensive collection of thousands of GPS waypoints.  I'm always
looking to trade waypoints with other people.  Contact me if you are interested:

Some of the waypoints I already have are listed here.

Name your state and/or county if you want a specific area.  I'd prefer
to trade with you, but if you don't have anything to trade, I'll probably
just send it to you.

I also have a GeoCache SE of Houston, TX:
Houston TX GeoCache

Here are a few Texas GPS sites I've visited.

A freeware program that downloads/uploads information for Garmin units
can be found at the Waypoint+  web page.

Another GPS Download Program

Other GPS Sites:

USA GNIS Database (Geographic location of schools, towns, rivers, cemeteries, mountains, valleys, springs, etc. in the USA)

Missouri Springs

Misssouri Caves and Springs

CIA World Fact Book

National Archives


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