Mike's Web Page  (Last Updated 1/22/2023)

Some of My Interests

Mapping / GPS




Rock Collecting

Crime Victims Rights



Cemeteries in USA

Search Cemetery Burials for a Family Name

Round Barns in USA

Land Patent Search

Oil Refineries in the USA

TemperNTC Temperature Monitor



Daily File Posting                What is this?

Think you are a Mensa Candidate?

Techno Gibberish

Why are CEO's Paid so Much?

Throw the Bums Out

Why I am Not Proud of my School District

School Spending per Student

William Cook Memorial

Windows Sucks

Steel Pipe Dimensions

This was WAY before Obamacare

Flying on a Plane in 1959

Does Anybody Else Think the TX Constitution is too Detailed?

Global Warming; Yeah - Uh Huh

More Stuff


Who Am I?

I'm a Model

I'm a Fisherman

My Brother looks up to me

I like Blues Music

I Love Boogie

Already Not Listening in 2nd Grade

My Calendar



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